This week had some challenges due to the humidity being higher than usual and coming back after a week long break plus a blood donation. I'm keeping in mind most online sources say that it takes 3 weeks to return to previous performance levels. I also got out some old DVD's I've neglected to try to do some upper body lifting and pilates/yoga in there on my off days.
Monday was my return back to running and it went surprisingly well, with a faster pace than anticipated. 9:55/mile... Probably a lot of that was just being excited I was running again! 4.12 miles my first day back.
Tuesday I did my PiYo DVD "Sculpt" workout... about 30 minutes.
Wednesday it was humid! Met up with some other runners at the local metropark and got in 4.02. Others agreed that it was a difficult morning. Pace was slower (10:30/mile), but that's ok.
Thursday was able to run the neighborhood for 3.15 miles. Pace about 10/mile... nice day and humidity seemed better.
Friday I had to go to a girl scout campout but I still managed to do some weightlifting. I brought back out Chalean Extreme and did Burn circuit 3. It's been a while since I did this one so it was a bit challenging. 32 minute workout...
Saturday morning wasn't able to run because I woke up in a cabin on the campout with the girl scouts. The lack of sleep due to creaky camp cots didn't make for a "happy camper" but I managed. Was able to nap when I returned home for a few hours thanks to my awesome husband taking care of the kid. Tried to catch up some on my sleep Saturday to Sunday but I knew I had to run my 7 mile long run Sunday (today).
So I did and it was humid and I continued to feel a bit fatigued. Was able to get 7.01 in for about a 10:10/mile pace. I was lucky to have met up with a friend (thanks Amy!) or it probably would have felt worse). Looking at that now it seems like it was faster than what I should have done. I think 10:30 needs to be my aim (or slower) for long runs if I am to stay on plan. I'm using a 9:10 ish race pace/tempo run pace as my basis for calculating this.
Overall miles for this week was 18.3. Feeling good about that. Next week I add about 3 more miles. Plan for next week is: Week 2 - 4 /5 /3 / 9 for a total of 21
I note at this time that none of these are supposed to be "fast" runs. I want to take Week 2 to work on cutting back speed and getting used to a slower pace. I think this is a good idea to learn how to pace the longer runs properly. I'm not doing a good job of that. If I know my weakness, I can work on it.
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