Want to say something really important:
I'm tired of the expectation that when I, as a woman, go outside to do whatever, I have to be careful. I think this is a direct result of the culture we perpetuate, and support through certain public figures that convince us it's ok through their actions/past comments. They act like their comments were "locker room talk" or "no big deal, I've heard others say worse." Yesterday, being out later in the day (7-8:30pm) with a group of 2 other strong women, we were running on the road and a car full of men/boys shouted, yelled and honked. Then, they turned up the path we were going. I was immediately worried. The reason why is because I now have to live my life in expectation of these things, that immature men/boys think it's ok to do this. They were never taught this is a problem, and if they were taught, they don't care. They think it's funny. Then we watched to see where this group went and they parked at the gas station. I remember thinking how absurd it was that we had to keep our eye on them, just in case. I remember being mad that it crossed my mind that I need to look into concealed carry or having a taser, whistle, etc. Why should I have to do that? Because I'm afraid of some men's actions, men who exist in our neighborhoods? Then I looked back and thought about how I pretty much expect to be harassed, and double think my actions and where I'm going just because I happen to be a small female. Or if I'm wearing running clothes that are tight or short. The fact that this happening of getting honks/yells from groups of men is just commonplace. I think about all the past runs when I see a group of men coming and I think about whether they will do something or not. And then I think about the times that I was so used to it that it didn't even cross my mind to challenge it. And that is the scary part... if you made it this far, thanks for caring enough to read.
Now, the runs this week... because I'm not going to stop running even if there are awful people out there.
5 miles Monday, 4 Wednesday, 4 Thursday, and 8 Friday.
Decided to do the Friday run because I wanted a break from getting up so early. Ran at night (see rant mentioned above) and despite a few unpleasant moments, I really enjoyed it . The moon was beautiful and even though I went a bit faster than I planned, it felt fine.
My runs during the week have all been pretty close to a 10 minute mile. The runs Wednesday and Thursday were sub 10 minute miles. I think some of my speed has returned after fatiguing my legs with the really long runs.
So this is a really good sign.
I go into the last taper week thinking about my goals. I am going to stick with my plan of finishing my first goal... under 5 hours a subgoal, under 4:40 would be really awesome (but not expected). I'm planning my pacing and have a pretty set plan. Just need to really think on it and make sure it's ok. Also have to keep an eye on the weather as this gets closer.
I really can't believe it's almost time! Feeling pretty excited about the expo too.
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