Monday, June 11, 2018

6 year runniversary

So it's been 6 years since I decided to start the couch to 5k program.  June 12, 2012. First workout. 30 seconds running. 1 minute walking. And repeat many times over for 30 minutes total. Wow, that sounded hard at that place in my life. I had done workout dvds but never anything sustained like this. Signed up for first 5k ... August of 2012. So I had to do the training.

Little did I know I'd really like this thing and be contemplating which 50k might be a good one for my first 6 years later. Still in the process of answering that question...

I found a great article written by another runner:

Basically we are never experts. There is always a new goal. It's still pretty exciting to think about where I'm going next.

So in this time I've run likely 60+ races. Some were great and others where I struggled. I've purchased many pairs of shoes, burning through each in approximately 300-400 miles.  Met a lot of running friends who inspired me in their own way. Maybe I helped them in some way too.

I've learned about pacing. I've learned about heart rate training. I've learned about how road and trail races are way not the same.

But I want to see how I feel running an ultra. I want to see if challenging terrain might be a new step I'll enjoy.

So 6 years has been good so far. I'm hoping to have many years ahead of me running whatever feels right.

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