Wednesday run was another lower humidity day. Temperature was down a bit, too. However, my legs finally "felt" the trail run and 6 miler from Monday and pace was slower. But this was fine as I felt pretty good through most of it. Most of the runners and walkers on the metropark path seemed happier as the humidity and temperature were lower than they had been in a while for about 3 days straight. But that was about to change, unfortunately a turn to hotter temperatures started Wednesday afternoon.
Thursday did a 4 miler in the neighborhood. Pace was 10:53 as I was showing some increased fatigue, higher temperatures and humidity... Decided to think about how to approach the 18 miler Saturday . I'd been trying to plan for a course since I'd be out of town and not as familiar with the area. Did some mapping on the computer and came up with a plan.
Saturday was the out of town run. It was a trail system I had run on before, but never this far south. It runs along the WV side of the Ohio River in Wheeling, WV (Wheeling Heritage Trail). I previously did a 13 miler after my beach trip on part of this trail. This time I had 18 to do and planned to go south for about 6-7 miles (according to my calculations) and then planned to connect to another trail and go east. However, I changed my plan. I realized if I continued north past my start point, there would be more shade opposed to heading east. I also had never been on the east part of the trail that connected to this one and I decided it was better not to venture somewhere I wasn't sure of. I had run the north part of this trail many times in the past and was familiar with it. So that's what I did... also encountered some beautiful views during the run
Wanted to set a steady pace between 10:45-11 and for the most part I was able to achieve this (10:49 average pace). A few times I slowed down and a few times I sped up. But I kept an eye on my pace and tried to be mindful.

This was not the view from the trail, but a view from another bridge of an area that I ran past (WV side of the river). The trail goes next to this park.

One of the bridges I passed
Went past this historic tobacco factory which was on the south end of the city
Scenic view coming back. I enjoyed this part of the run, as there were a lot of clearings and I could see the Ohio side of the river and all the bridges very well.
At the north end of the trail when I started back, there was a dam and locks. I was glad to see this, as I knew I was approaching the end of my run (I've run this part before).
I was pleased to get a 18 mile distance PR on Saturday. This was a heavy week mileage wise. It was important to bring electrolyte water (nuun) a few gu's and a honey stinger waffle that I had at the half way point of this run. I also brought my camelbak 50oz of water with me. The backpack was a bit heavy at the start but I really needed it. In my mapping, I also noted where a few gas stations, convenience stores, and other places that might have restrooms were located. I think this is an important thing to do when one is doing long runs (especially solo long runs).
Next week mileage goes down a bit. Then the following week, I have a 19 miler scheduled. Really just 2 extremely long runs remain before the marathon. So I have to try to get that done in order to feel good about it. I know 26.2 is going to be a bit more than 20, but from what I've heard people usually can run 26.2 if they've done their training. I'm not sure it's a good idea to go too much more than 20 miles... however I have heard varying opinions on the mileage of one's last long run... Either way, I think sticking to 20 is my plan.
Week 12 will be 5/8/5/13 for a total of 31 miles.
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