Sunday, August 14, 2016

Week 9 ... I'm starting to wonder if it's just getting hotter every week

This week was a high mileage week without question.  Unquestionably the highest mileage week I've ever done to this point.

And yet it seems to just get hotter and hotter as the summer goes on.

Another issue was that with the new school year starting I had to change the timing of my runs a little bit to work with bus stop pickup.

I also started to lengthen the weekday runs per my schedule which can make it difficult to get it done before it really starts to heat up.

Monday - 6 mile run.  Was able to do this one in the morning.  I had the best pace this week with 10:01 for this one.  My Wednesday and Thursday runs were 10:19 and 10:27... The heat wasn't as bad for Monday's run so it allowed me to feel ok about a faster pace.

Weds - This was a tough one only because I had to start at almost 8am due to the bus schedule for school.  But I was able to get my 7 miles in.  Definitely needed to take some breaks for the heat.

Thurs - was able to get up early to do this one.  I was grateful for that.  It was a 4 miler so also went by fairly quickly.  Pace was slower, but felt pretty good about this one.  Going early in the morning makes a big difference.  As soon as the summer sun comes up, it really increases the uncomfortable feeling.

Saturday - 77 degrees and 74 dew point when I started at 6:30 am.  Thankfully, I had a friend meeting me for my 17 miler.  She was willing to do 9 with me.  Which is always a help, no matter how many miles a person can hang out for support.  It was great to catch up with her and things went great.  We purposely set a slower pace at 11/mile.  Everything was great until the heat started to get to me and my stomach did not feel good around mile 6.5-7.  I kept hoping for a rest spot but I knew the nearest one was a convenience store at mile 8.  I made it but my friend moved on... which was fine and I told her to because I wasn't sure how long I would hold her up and I knew she wanted to be done.  The running store was only a mile from there so I had confidence I'd make it there eventually.  That break pretty much re-energized me and the weather turned.  Clouds rolled in as well as a nice breeze.  I decided to head to the running store and try to finish up my remaining 8 miles.

Before this 17 miler (which is my distance PR now) I had done a 16 miler back in April on a snowy day.  This day was the complete opposite.  I really wanted to have that distance PR.  Since the running store does a 5 mile loop I didn't want to get so discouraged that I'd just do the 5 and finish at 14 miles.  So I did what I felt was the most logical way to get 17 without quitting.  I did 1.5 miles of the 5 mile loop, came back to the running store, got a drink of water, and finished up with the 5 mile loop.  The running store employees are always so encouraging and I love being able to have that oasis there to drop in on.  Stopped due to the heat several times in people's yards in the shade.  Sat down in the grass a few times.  Was overjoyed to see sprinklers and run through them.  Also this was my first run with a camelbak which really helped me.  50 oz of water was needed!  And brought nuun water as well as some gels to replenish energy

Another thing I'm working on is what to eat before a long run.  I usually don't want to eat but probably should.  I know I'd have more energy.  But it's hard to know what won't cause stomach irritation, especially with the hot temperatures.

I sit here watching the Olympic Women's Marathon.  It's amazing how fast these ladies are.  Especially when the announcer says they are "holding back" their pace and they are at mile 19 and 1:44 into it.  That's incredible.  Under 2 hours is my dream half marathon time...

Next week I cut back a little which is going to be good for me.

Week 10 - 5 / 8/ 4 / 13... the 13 mile is a trail race that I'm just going to have fun with and not worry about the time.  30 miles next week.

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