Saturday, November 26, 2016

1000 miles for the year and running streak plans

One of my goals for 2016 was to run 1000 miles.  I was able to achieve that today when I ran my long run of 7.5 miles.  At this point there are 35 days left in 2016.  I decided to do something else, log at least 1 mile each day for the rest of the year. I think this is something I can accomplish even if it's dark and I need to use the treadmill at times.

I ran a Thanksgiving 5k which really turned out to be a 3 miler (not quite a 5k).  I was happy with my finishing time, which was about 30 seconds more than my current PR, which I didn't expect.  I wasn't sure after the marathon how I would do coming back from not running very often, but it worked out.

I have another 5k next weekend and then after that nothing until New Year's Day.  Not sure if I'll try to run the next 5k fast or if I'll just take it leisurely.  I guess it all depends on how I feel that day.

It's nice to have the 1000 mile goal done for the year with 35 days to spare.  Not sure I'll make it to 1100 but at this point just happy with whatever I get.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Thanksgiving week

It's been fun the last few weeks not having much of a plan and just winging it with running.  I've had a few friends to cheer on in both NYC marathon and Philadelphia marathon over the past few weeks.  Right now the only thing on the schedule for November is a small 5k for Thanksgiving.  I had a 19 mile week last week and I think that's probably where I want to keep it for right now.

One change over the past two weeks has been that the cold weather has started to settle in.  It was about 30 degrees this morning on my run which I am not so much used to.  However, it felt good and my pace is slowly starting to get back to where it has been in the past.  I'm looking ahead to a good speed increasing plan for the winter/spring so that I might have a shot at getting close to my next goal which is increasing speed for the half marathon distance.

Other than that not too much else going on (thankfully).  I am going to keep looking for a new watch to track heart rate as well after my scare a few weeks ago with passing out.  I don't know yet what I'm going to get but the Garmin Vivoactive HR is looking like a top pick.  The wrist based HR is what I want because I hate the chest strap ones.

I'm thinking the next few week will be 3 runs during the week (one 3 mile, two 4 mile) and then a long run between 6-10 miles.  That will keep me around 17-21 miles which is good for the off season.  Also need to investigate some speed work plans for one of my short runs during the week.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Resting now for quite a few weeks

After the marathon took some time to slow down and think about my next goals.  It's been about 4 weeks now and I'm starting to feel more like my old self.  Nothing is really hurting a lot and I've been able to relax.

Have been trying to run a few times a week, 2-3 miles each run.  Today I ran/walked intervals with a friend training for a marathon next week . This was her 8 mile run and next Sunday is the big day.

I had a few heart tests run after an incident where I passed out after running a mile.  Luckily, everything came back ok.  After that I have been pretty much playing it careful.

This coming week I hope to get back into my regular running schedule again.  I have about 50 more miles to make 1000 miles for the year.  I've kept November's goal pretty low and then December will again be low.

Not too much else to say right now . I have a few races scheduled for November, December, January.  I signed up for a half marathon at the end of April.  Decided to try to not sign up for too much more than that at the moment.  Weather is getting cooler in the mornings which is a good sign.  Overall, just trying to take it easy and hang in there.