Friday, December 23, 2016

Cold weather and icy conditions complicate my running streak

The weather turned cold and icy the last few weeks but I still managed to get out and run . A few times I had to use the treadmill or the community center indoor track.  But I got it done.  The hardest part about winter running is that the days are so short that it puts a serious limit on when it's light out (which is when I'm the most comfortable being outside). I don't enjoy not seeing where I'm going plus weather conditions can complicate things.
I didn't use my treadmill for a few months, last time I can recall was back in July when I had a coffee that kept me up all night.  But it really comes in handy lately.
The rest of this month since the 18th was pretty good, the ice melted on the sidewalks and it got into the 30s making running possible again.  I attempted to run on the icy conditions about two times so far this winter.  The first time it was a day when the temperature was making a drop from 25 to about 10.  I could see that the melted spots were freezing up and that made the path more difficult towards the end of the run.  The second time I tried to run on sidewalks, it had just stopped with freezing rain and things were slicker than they first appeared.  On both of these runs, my pace was significantly slower and it was in some ways a let down.  I could have brought out the yaktracks but I'm trying to not use those if I don't have to because it seems to change my stride and make my feet hurt.
Recently. I've been focusing on running faster.  My last few short runs, I tried to get the pace a little bit faster.  Felt like today was one of my faster miles in a while at 8:47.  I continue to do the running streak until New Year's Day so it's important to me to at least get a mile a day.
After New Year's day, I have an 8 mile race coming up January 15.  I've been building my long run mileage to approach 8 so I'm thinking when it comes up, it should be a good distance that I'm ready for.  Following that, I start to train for a half at the end of April. In between I have a few interesting races.  The 8 miler in January, followed by a race that finishes on the hockey team's ice.  I've never done that one, so it should be good.  Then I'm doing a 15k race in preparation for the half.  I signed up for another half at the end of May.  I think for now I need to just not sign up for anything else for a while. I think I'm waiting a bit before doing another full marathon.  I had wanted to jump in again right away but it might be wise to wait a little more than a year to make sure I have time for the training.
I have a plan for the half that should help increase my speed so I have a shot at breaking my old record.  The rest of this week I plan to continue my streak and then take a short few days break after New Years Day.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Running streak continues, a fun 5k with family and friends

As my running streak continues, the hardest part now is paying attention to any sore muscles and trying to make the best decision about how many miles to run each day.  To keep the streak going, I need to run at least 1 mile a day and my weekly goal is 15-20.  Usually I have a longer run on Saturday, this week I did a 5k with family and friends so it was only 3 miles.  Total ended up being pretty close to my goal so that worked out ok.
The 5k was a holiday themed run.  Had a good time doing it and met up with some others that I have run with at times.
Got a holiday themed medal and everyone could choose a hat.

So this week I will be running at long run pace most of the time to give myself  rest after trying to break my mile time (which I did) and then running daily.  I think it's wise to do a few speedwork routines when I feel more rested, but for now maybe hold off on doing that for the time being.

This time of year I keep seeing discounts on races and I've been taking advantage of that.  Just need to be careful that the calendar doesn't fill up too much as that can get to be a problem.