Saturday, June 25, 2016

Week 2... the first week of summer... means getting up super early before it gets too hot

This week I had tried to not be overly ambitious with my pacing and planned to try to not go below 10.  I succeeded with all my runs except for my 9 miler today which I had planned 10:30+.  Something about the day today and maybe running with a group made my pace faster. Today they had a planned charity 5k for families of the victims of the Orlando shooting.  We all donated and showed our support by attending the event.  I finished the 5k distance and added on my 6.   

I got there a little late so I felt rushed to start and probably went too fast at the beginning to catch the group.  Here is how I know that.. my splits... they were as follows for 9 miles: 9:33; 9:50; 9:54; 9:57; 10:09; 10:04; 10:10; 10:29; 10:02 with an average of 10:01.  Not the best way to do it..  but it's done.  And there was a reason I started out so fast.  Just have to try to do a little bit better on next week's long run.  Definitely can't pull around 10/mile for longer runs.

The river trail had been flooded earlier in the week with severe thunderstorms and rain.  Luckily, a lot of the flooding had subsided.  There was a stinky "lake" that used to be a soccer field that still remained from the flooding and I noticed a variety of waterfowl who seemed to be enjoying its stinkiness today.  Thankfully, they left us runners alone.  Also saw a few considerably large downed branches and one of the dams was not so much a dam anymore... The trail showed remains of receding flood waters which made it interesting.

I did pretty well with keeping the pace down for the earlier runs this week.  4 miles on Monday; 5 Weds; 3 Thurs...(all between 10:02 and 10:26).  Which is good for shorter runs.  Especially with no pressure of doing a "pace" run this week.  Also filled in some PiYo Core and Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit 1 on my non running days.

Next week is a different story.  The plan is for a pace run at some point this week.  It's scheduled for Weds but I might switch it to Thursday because Weds I started to run with a group in the area and it's nice to have some company for the midweek run.  It doesn't really matter what day of the week I do the pace run on, as long as I do one.

So I'm modifying week 3 a little bit.  

4 /5 /3/ 6 next week.  I'm going to make the pace/tempo run be the 3 miler instead of the 5.  

This week's total = 21 miles 
Next week is a slight break with 18 miles.

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